Isaac Crockett | Ep. 036
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About this Episode
Zan and Isaac Crockett examine how homeschooling your children for Christ impacts generations and echoes in eternity. Isaac shares stories of his family’s legacy of faith including how his great-grandfather came to know the Lord during the Dutch Underground Resistance in WWII, a period of history dear to Zan’s heart. You’ll enjoy the inspiring way homeschooling has helped Isaac and Jill raise their children with a biblical worldview, a heart of service, and an entrepreneurial spirit.
Meet My Guest

Pastor Isaac Crockett is thankful for the opportunity to have grown up in church ministry where his dad was his pastor. Isaac started preaching when he was 13 years old and God has allowed him opportunities to preach in hundreds of ministries throughout the United States and various foreign fields too. Isaac has a Master’s degree in Pastoral Studies from Bob Jones Seminary and has done postgraduate studies in the field of Family Therapy at Evangelical Seminary and Social Work at Drexel University College of Medicine. Prior to coming to Stand In the Gap Media, he pastored for over a decade and was involved in helping several church plants and church revitalization projects. Isaac is co-host with Sam Rohrer on the nationally syndicated Stand In the Gap TV program and also a co-host on the Stand In the Gap Today radio program that is broadcast on hundreds of stations across the nation. Isaac and his wife Jill, met their first week of college in the fall of 2000 and were married after graduating in 2004. They homeschool their 3 children. Isaac enjoys speaking in churches across the MidAtlantic region, preaching and presenting the ministry of Stand In the Gap Media. His family often joins him and provides special music.
WEBSITE: standinthegapmedia.org
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Mentioned in this Episode
- American Pastors Network, americanpastorsnetwork.net
Podcast Sponsor
At BJU Press Homeschool, we’re committed to providing children an education from a biblical worldview that is academically sound and challenges them to advance, think critically, and live like Christ. This type of education is not often possible in public schools because of the number of children taught in a classroom, a difference in worldview, and peer and societal pressure to conform. Homeschooling allows parents to instruct and disciple their children without daily fighting messages from an opposing worldview taught in the classroom. And with tuition costs and fees for private schooling or tutoring, homeschooling may be the only option for parents who are concerned for their children’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
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